Thursday, July 29, 2004

Wreckage from United Airlines Flight 93, the fourth jet to be skyjacked on September 11. The passengers, warned by family and friends of the fate of the previous jets, fought the terrorists into the turf outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania, twenty minutes flight time short of the Capitol, their probable target. In the Wahhabi view, democracy is blasphemy as it places the will of the people above the will of Allah. Congress was in session that morning. The Wahhabis wanted to kill the infidel blasphemers while they were gathered together under the Capitol dome. This wreckage is a tissue box-sized piece of the skin of the Boeing 757, right about where the stripe passes down the side. It's sheet aluminum, stripped from the frame and wadded up like you might crumple a piece of paper in your hand. That's what happens when a jumbo jet impacts the ground at 580 mph.


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