Every time there is a big event at SWA, like a Christmas party or whatnot, they collect all the best photos, frame them, and hang them on the wall. There are hundreds of them. Some of my photos are up there somewhere. People love this.
I tried to take this idea to my next company, an e-commerce firm in Houston. It didn't work so well. I had plenty of pix from the "Holiday" Party, but it costs a couple hundred bucks to frame sixteen or so photos. The company didn't want to blow that money on morale.
The next problem was that the company's name kept changing. I hired on with Net Explorer which was still using its old Travellogix stationery and had another name, Travel Portal or something, on its door. Over the next eighteen months it changed its name again twice, to Nuforia and then Red Sky. It looked bad to hang photos on the wall where each frame for an event displayed a different company name. It felt unstable.
Turnover was another problem. We realized that that most people left after a year or two. If you looked back at photos of events from a couple years ago, there would be nearly nobody who was still currently employed. Most of the faces would be those of people who left. That seemed unlikely to boost morale. It would be feeding new employees a script that said we expected them to quit after a year. Like everyone else.
Still, we pressed on, determined to implement this idea. We finally got approval for the money, found a framer, and assembled the photos when the company went bankrupt and laid us all off.
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