"Not Our President. No. Not In Our Name."
Of course, the Left doesn't accept the result of any election they don't win. They're not really committed to democracy, just to getting their way. But there's more to this sign than that. Notice at the bottom of it that it is a product of the organization, Not In Our Name, which originally opposed the US striking back at the Al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan after Sep 11.
Not In Our Name (NION) was started by C. Clark Kissinger, a Maoist and member of the Revolutionary Communist Party. Kissinger was a national secretary of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in his youth, then worked with the Black Panthers.
Kissinger objects to pretty much everything about America, saying, "The problem in this country [is] the oppressive system of capitalism that exploits people all over the world, that destroys our planet, that oppresses minority people, that sends people to the death chambers in droves. That is a problem that has to be done away with. Revolution is the solution. And the Revolutionary Worker has put out a call to people to join with them in formulating a new program for revolution in this country, a blueprint to go forward."
NION is a front organization which is buried in the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO), which in turn is buried in the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), a long-time Communist organization. All of them are officed in a building in New York City called the "Peace Pentagon," a haven for radical associations such as the War Resisters League, School of the Americas Watch, Nicaragua Solidarity Network, International Peace bureau, International Fellowship of Reconciliation, Coalition for Human Rights of Immigrants, et cetera. If you're pissed off at America, you can find a friend in the Peace Pentagon. Just follow the marijuana smoke belching out of the air vents.
Basically, NION is a revolutionary Communist group posing as pacifists. The fact that they oppose Bush makes me feel even better about voting for him.
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