Saturday, June 12, 2004

C-5 Galaxy gulps down visitors. I saw one of these catch fire once. We were just climbing in our F-4s at Clark Air Base in the Philippines when I turned on the radio and heard mobile call, "C-5 on takeoff your right inboard engine is on fire!" I looked up at the runway to see a C-5 rotating on takeoff with a big pink glow in its inboard engine as it moved left to right. It was too late to abort the takeoff so off it went, yanking and banking around the airfield in a tight pattern like a fighter. Normally, you never see a C-5 turn. It just takes off and disappears on the horizon. The wings were not level as it crossed the threshhold of the runway and came to a full stop halfway down the field. The pink glow flared up a bit when it stopped. I hacked my watch to see how long it would take the fire engines to reach it: 90 seconds. Meanwhile, the orange escape slides deployed and the passengers went sliding down them and running the hell away. It was June, so many of the passengers were teachers from the base school who some of the guys in the squadron had dated. That was the end of flying for that day.


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