Saturday, January 29, 2005

"We Support The Troops. Bring Them Home Now."

I stumbled across this parade of pinheads and joined to see the fun. I have no illusions that lefty protestors support the troops, having a very clear recollection of the rage with which long haired numbskulls would insult my friends and I when they encountered us in uniform in public way back in the 1970s. They've trimmed their hair but they haven't changed their stripes. It's just a pose. They hate the military and anyone in it. If they really supported the troops, they wouldn't be using flag-draped coffins as props in their protest horror show.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Steve, you really need to get a life. If you hang on Dubya's nuts anymore, he'll probably be in pain. Wouldn't want to do that, would you? Kiss it and make it better.

3:52 PM  

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