Monday, August 09, 2004

X marks the spot where the third bullet killed Kennedy, fired from the corner window of the sixth floor of the former Texas School Book Depository. That's the corner window on the far right, second floor from the top, under the white ledge.

Oswald did it. Three guys watching the motorcade from the window below Oswald could hear all three shots directly above them through the cracks in the floor above, which was being stripped. They could hear the bolt pulled back after each shot and the ejected shells rolling on the floor. The single intact recovered bullet was proven metallurgically to have passed through the barrel of Oswald's rifle, from which Oswald's palm and fingerprints were recovered. Oswald was identified as the shooter of the third shot by an eyewitness. The rifle was mail-ordered under an alias used by Oswald for years and delivered to a mailbox Oswald rented. His wife, Marina, identified the rifle as Oswalds. Oswald fled the scene, shooting a police officer to make his escape. How much proof do you need?

Years ago, I met the Dallas homicide detective, James Leavelle, who investigated both of Oswald's murders and who was handcuffed to Oswald when Ruby shot him. Leavelle said Oswald did it. He said it was an easy crime to solve, not much different than your regular Saturday night shooting in Dallas except that there was a famous person involved. He laughed about all the people who claimed to witness the shooting in Dealey Plaza, saying that if he rounded them all up he could fill the Cotton Bowl.

Oswald did it. Stop talking all that silly crap about conspiracies, got it? Oswald did it and did it alone all by his nutcase self.


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